Sunday, 2 January 2011

Thank you and Hello

2010, you were filled with so much learning and discovery. A different kind of adventure. A reconnection to roots. Revelations of things past and present. You blessed us with the biggest miracle of all: the health of our beautiful daughter who is growing and developing perfectly. 2010, you let me know that prayers are answered. Thank you.

Welcome 2011. You are filled with sweet expectations and dreams to pursue. Creative projects, daring steps into foreign territory. I feel giddy where I am standing at the doorstep of this new year filled with possibilities. It is something very powerful about the collective desire of change-making taking place across borders at New Year: the expressed hope for a better or different and fulfilling year, resolutions and dreams shouted out loud to the world or silently whispered to the wind and the moon and the waves crushing onto shore.

This year is about mindfulness, about establishing a daily practice of showing up, embracing imperfection and creativity.

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